I am now the official owner of a fully functioning kitchen! We don't have all the finishing details done yet, but at least we have countertops, running water, and appliances. I was able to download some pictures this weekend while my dad was here and I could borrow his downloader so that you can see the progress.
The breakfast area has now become cabinetry and an island. That light fixture is now gone too.
Eating dinner outside. Thankfully it was summer when this whole thing occured!
This is a tangent, but I had to include this one for my friend Carol. When I was still in HK, I had a bunch of curtains made. I had some cute fabric with embroidered aqua seahorses made into panels for my sunporch windows. When I got them back, I realized that they had sewn the curtains so that the seahorses were lying flat on their backs looking, well, dead. I did find a use for them, though. One of the panels is now over a table in our sunporch concealing the dog kennel underneath.
Jon making the island. I purchased the butcher block countertop from IKEA, and Jon made the base. I stained the base dark brown and we hung a pot rack over it. Jon also used old door hinges to attach the extra butcher block to the end of the island so now we can flip it up if we need extra space.
And this is what Maddie Rae did while Jon was building the island....a yogurt masterpiece.
How exciting!! The kitchen is looking great!! Ella loves to play with her yogurt that same exact way. : )
Have to tell you this...Sophie has been home over a year and I have waited sooo patiently (well kind of) for her hair to grow in as well as letting her bangs grow out. While I was at work tonight....she got a hold of Ella's scissors and she cut her hair. Cut her hair!!! Chopped the whole bang area right off. Retta...I really want to just cry right now!!!!
It looks so awesome, Retta!! Those new appliances just shine next to the clean white cabinets and the wood floor is beautiful - what a bonus. What kind of upright vacuum did you end up getting? The seahorse curtains are at least getting some use for now :) TIC.
Better be careful, though, because once your friends and neighbors get wind of the handyman you have living with you, they might sign him up for that "Rent a Husband" handyman business. . .
Keep the pictures coming!!
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