So Jon assures me that our camera works if I just go old school and manually focus it. Of course, this takes away the benefit of being able to snap a kazillion photos per second in order to get one decent shot of my kids. We will get a new lense soon, but until then, you'll have to bear with our slightly blurry manually focused kids. These are just some random shots from the weekend.
Maddie Rae Gotcha Day
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Snappin' it old school
Posted by Retta at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Porcelain Packing
We made a great Hong Kong discovery about a month ago: Overjoy Porcelain. Overjoy is a porcelain business run by a sweet husband and wife duo, Arthur and Josephine. They sell beautiful hand painted porcelain and have exported to Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Lord and Taylor. They are selling off the porcelain and retiring to Canada, and after we spent an afternoon buying so much we probably funded their plane tickets, they told us of their generous plan. They planned to give the remaining porcelain free of charge to charities until it was all gone. This got our wheels turning, and Carol had the great idea to ask if our church could have some of the porcelain for a sale to benefit orphans in China. They said yes, and we went yesterday to pack up the porcelain. Imagine our surprise when we walked in the room and saw loads and loads of porcelain that they had set out for us. We packed up 70 boxes, and we are having our sale on Tuesday and Saturday this coming week. 100% of the proceeds will go straight to orphanages in China that are near and dear to our hearts. The Hicks plan to take part of the money directly to the orphanage where Zoe spent her first few months in Guangdong, and we hope to be able to fund a cleft lip/palate surgery for one of the babies at the Anhui Cleft Healing Home. We also still know of several needs at the orphanage in Hefei where Ellen came from, and we hope to also help them out. Please join us in praying that our sale will be a huge success, and that many children in China would benefit from Arthur and Josephine's generosity. Pictures below are credited to Carol (which I lifted from her blog because yes, you guessed it, still no camera).

Posted by Retta at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Another conversation with Jonah
Jonah: Awww. I want turn back into a baby.
Mom: Why?
Jonah: Because I was so cute. I need a fairy.
Mom: Why?
Jonah: So she can come over and turn me back into a baby.
Mom: (laughing)
Jonah: Stop laughing! I'm serious.
Mom: Sorry, Jonah.
Jonah: Mom? Do vets get married?
Mom: Yes.
Jonah: Awwww (major disappointment). I don't want to get married.
Mom: You don't have to get married if you don't want to.
Jonah: What doesn't get married?
Mom: Well, anyone who does anything can either get married or not. You can decide.
Jonah: I don't want to get married. I just want to be a vet.
Posted by Retta at 6:46 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Out of the mouth of Jonah
It's really annoying to have a broken camera. I have to resort to posting things like graphs and charts. Hopefully it will be up and running again soon (whenever we can bring ourselves to fork over the money for a new lens), and I will be back to posting pictures of the chillins. Until then, I will entertain you with a few quotes from our middle child, Jonah.
Jonah is really funny, but if we tell him that he gets really angry. He thinks being told he's funny or being laughed at is an insult. I guess there's no stand up routine in his future, but I do want to write a few down just for my own future benefit.
On "Healthy Eating Week" at school:
"Mom! I'm hungry. I need some junk."
J: "Mom? Can I have a Cadbury Cream Egg?" (note: 8am at time of asking)
M: "Jonah, don't you remember it's Healthy Eating Week?"
J: (shoulders slumped, dejected look across his face) "Awwwww. I'll eat something healthy after my cream egg."
M: "Jonah, do you want some of these sweet grapes for dessert?"
J: (clearly VERY confused) "What? Grapes? GRAPES?! Grapes aren't junk, they're fru-it."
To his big brother this afternoon:
"Wow, Jack. Why are you being so nice to me today?" (That gives you some insight into how rarely that one occurs!!!)
Posted by Retta at 3:27 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
For your viewing and reading pleasure...
See the Kelley Pictures Beijing 2008 movie here.
Then jump over to here to see what I was up to yesterday.
And for my family back home who at times have doubted whether or not we would ever be home, the following email excerpt:
We just received the repatriation initiation from Lexmark. We will now proceed to initiate the various services for your departure, including the pre-move survey of your household goods for shipment, termination notice to your landlord, etc. Noted you are planning to depart from HK on June 29.
Posted by Retta at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Movie Star
In honor of her first 6 months with us, Jon has made another Maddie Rae movie. Click here to go to our website and then click on "Maddie Rae 2."
I think it does a great job of capturing her personality. It also captures everyday moments that still at times stop me in my tracks. Not only does she have a family that loves her, but she has so many opportunities to experience everyday things that I never really even thought twice about before. I watch her delight in crunching leaves under her feet, collecting pine cones on a walk, and folding her little hands to pray, and I can't help but think of her friends back in Shaoguan SWI who are still stuck behind 4 walls unable to experience everyday "normal" life. As I see the joy in Maddie Rae unfold, I remember those children who have not yet or who never will experience the miracle of adoption. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27
May we all seek to know how He intends for us to "look after" children who do not yet know the love and nurture of a family.
Posted by Retta at 12:57 PM 5 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Glimpses of Beijing
Jon doesn't want me to post photos from Beijing because he always makes a movie for each of our trips, and he doesn't want me to reveal the photos before the movie is "released" on our website. However, I feel I need to share a little glimpse of our trip other than our eventful ride home, so here are a few snapshots.
Posted by Retta at 11:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
KA991 from the cabin
Okay, I promise this will be my last post about our near death flight. We are still processing and experiencing a bit of PTSD, and the blog is evidence of that!
Carol just sent me this link. It was shot during the whole thing if you want to "relive" the experience with us. Next post will NOT be about this flight...I promise! The people interviewed in the video were from the group that helped us. They were so nice.
My mom and dad are heading back to the US on a 747 right now. Thankfully, it has 4 engines!
Posted by Retta at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Newspaper Articles on KA991
Perspective is everything..
Oriental Daily News (reporter was on the flight). The group pictured was a very kind group of people who helped us get food and told us what was going on when all the announcements were made. Thank you Ingrid and friends!
South China Morning Post (and the "children crying"...they belonged to us!)
Posted by Retta at 10:53 AM 1 comments