Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, I can officially begin my favorite holiday celebration. Well, I guess I've begun it already by decorating my house, listening to Christmas music, and completing almost ALL of my Christmas shopping. It's time to deck the halls, folks. In honor of the season officially beginning, I'm posting a few of my favorite things about this time of year.
Favorite Christmas Movie: Christmas Vacation
Jon and I never ever ever get tired of this movie. It's just as hilarious every time, and I can't wait to watch it (although we already watched it in June). Close runners-up are Christmas Story ("You'll shoot yer eye out, kid."), Elf ("...and when we're done, we'll snuggle."), and White Christmas ("Sisters...sisters...").
Favorite Christmas Movie Quote: Christmas Vacation "What can I say, Audrey? It's Christmas, and we're all in misery."
Admit it. We've all been there. My favorite usage of the quote was the Christmas when Jonah was 1 and Jack was 3. We travelled to Chicago to see all of my extended family. After a 7 hour drive, we were ushered into an older house that had somehow come under the care of my aunt. The house was built in the 50's, the beds were bought in the 50's, and the indoor temperature was in the 50's. I spent the first night lying in the middle of a sunken bed with Jonah, who was frozen into an ice pop, listening to the train (which was 50 yards away) sounding like it was coming straight into the house to join us every 15 minutes. And there you have it: the perfect set up for my mom to say, "What can I say, Retts? It's Christmas, and we're all in misery."
Favorite Christmas Decoration: My new white vintage mod Christmas Mantel. Ta Da.
Favorite Christmas Traditions: Church on Christmas Eve, Instant Breakfast casserole on Christmas morning, driving around looking at the lights, and cutting down the Christmas tree.
Favorite Christmas Cookie: My gramma's sugar cookies. Yum.
Favorite Memorable Christmas: Christmas 1998. I think I'll dedicate an entire post to this one in honor of our 10 year wedding anniversary coming up on December 19. I'll give you a little teaser: Honeymoon in Gaylord, Michigan. (I know. The words "honeymoon" and "Michigan" should never be used in the same sentence, but they will be in this upcoming trip down memory lane...)
So there you have some of my favorite things about the season. Now, do share...what are your favorites?
Nancy's favorite Christmas movie quote (via my facebook wall)..."Love, love, love Christmas vacation! It wouldn't be Christmas if the stores were any hooter - hotter!" Thanks, Nancy :)
favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life. So many parts in the movie I like, but the romantic in me loves it when George is desperately trying not to fall in love with her as he's standing right next to her as she is on the telephone and he's inhaling the scent of her hair. It is very romantic and tender and I love that! Not a word is said, but yet they are communicating loud and clear their love for each other. You gotta watch that movie for that part if you haven't. Not very Christmasy, I know. Anyway. . . But BH and I were engaged around Christmas, so maybe that is why I like it so much too. Though I don't think Brad's ever stuck his nose in my hair like that . . . well, I can keep dreaming and watching It's a Wonderful Life :) :)
Aggie was seriously your favorite gift ever? All I remember about that Christmas morning was Aggie trying to bite me as I reached out to pet her and mom's famous last words..."She's a little timid!"
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